Red Ribbon Club and NSS Organize Poster Competition on AIDS Awareness


As part of AIDS Awareness Week, the Red Ribbon Club and NSS unit of Govt. Gandhi Memorial Science College, Jammu, in colloboration with J&K AIDS Controle society organized a poster-making competition in the College. The event, held under the patronage of Principal Dr. Romesh Kumar Gupta and the guidance of Dr. P. S. Thakur, co-convener of the Red Ribbon Club, aimed to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS by raising awareness about prevention, treatment, and support.
This initiative was directed toward debunking myths, reducing stigma, and encouraging voluntary testing and counseling. It also sought to inform the public about the current state of HIV/AIDS and inspire community action. The competition saw enthusiastic participation from students, who created impactful and visually compelling posters to emphasize the importance of AIDS awareness. The event was conducted in coordination with the J&K AIDS Control Society and garnered significant engagement from students and faculty alike. In his address, Principal Dr. Romesh Kumar Gupta highlighted the global significance of combating HIV/AIDS and underscored the importance of education and awareness in preventing its spread. He encouraged students to use their creativity to produce posters that not only catch the eye but also deliver a strong message of awareness and responsibility. The students’ efforts were applauded, and their works were recognized by the faculty. Notable participants included Sonia Bali, Sana Thakur, and Mohd. Zaigham Salaria from Semester III, and Ritika Khar, Niharika Sharma, and Bhumi Jarwal from Semester I. The event’s success was made possible through the active support of committee members, including Dr. Bhikam Paul Singh, Prof. Sunita Kumari, Dr. Arti Sharma, Dr. Rahul Kait and Dr. Neha Sharma, NSS Program Officer.


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