New Delhi, May 27 : Telecom operator Reliance Jio added over 2.50 lakh subscribers in March in Punjab circle, an official said on Monday. “Reliance Jio continued to remain market leader in Punjab with highest customer base of 1.20 crore, adding more than 2.50 lakh subscribers in March 2019 as per the latest telecom subscription data released by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI),” spokesperson said in a statement.
“A key factor contributing to Jio’s rapid growth in Punjab is its robust and largest 4G network. Another significant reason for Jio’s market leadership in Punjab is its overwhelming acceptance among youth. “Today, almost all the leading institutes, colleges, universities, hotels, hospitals, malls and other commercial establishments have chosen Jio as their preferred digital partner,” spokesperson further said. In January this year, Jio became the largest telecom service provider in Punjab within a short span of two-and-a-half years of its commercial launch.