Role of Pathya in Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus)-An Ayurvedic Approach


Diabetes Mellitus is a common and very prevalent disease effecting about 25% of world population. India has the largest Diabetes population in the world. Dm is a progressive metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia mainly due to deficiency of insuling hormone. It can be correlated with “Madhumeha” in Ayurveda It is said to be incurable disease in Ayurveda.Madhumeha which can be correlated with Type-2 DM that can be treated by mere medicine but proper pathya ahara an uihara regimens helps to lie long life, healthy and will be useful to society and also help in preventing the complications
Nidana (Etiological Factors) in Ayurveda;-
Nidanas like excessive intake of heavy, unctuous and saliva taste foods, new cereals and fresh wine consumption in large quantity, ssedentary lifestyle, not indulging in any kind of physical and menatal exercise and not undergoing any kind of bio-purification of body (shodhana) are the main etilogical factors for “Madhumeha”.
Importance of Pathya:-
Madhumeha is mainly lcaused due to Apathya Aahara and vihar sevana, while describing the chikistsa for Madhumeha, all Acharayas have focused on Pathya Aahara and Vihara in its management.
If a person usually follows the dietary rules for particular disease ther is very little significance of drug treatment and when a person is exoposed to Apathya the drug treatment has no value, because without pathya sevana taken drug can’t cure the disease.
The Role of a Aahar and vihar are equally or even more important in diabetes to control blood sugar as well as to prevent the complications sof the disease. In ayurvedic classics below mentioned Aahar Drayas are described in detal:-
(A).Pathya Aahara (Diet)
1. Cerals) (Yava) —Ayurveda prescribed old rice (Purana shali) as one of the best for Diabetic Persons.
2. Pulses—Moonga Dal, chana, kulattha etc.
3. Vegetables— All types of bitter vegetables e.g-Karela,Methi, Lasuna, Patola etc.
4. Fruits—Jamun, Amalaki (Amla), Apple, Kharjura, Kamala (Indian Lotus), Tala Phala etc.
5. Seeds — Kamala, utpala seeds.
6. Flesh — Harina mamsa (Deer Flesh) Shashaka Mamsa (Rabbit) Kapotha, Titira Birds Flesh.
7. Liquir — Old Sura (Old Wine).
8. Oils — Mustard oil, is the best.
9. Others — Takra (Butter milk)
B. Pathya Vihara (Exercise):-
Hard exercises have been prescribed for Diaetics fand obese persons. This is meant for proper utilization of fact to consume the glucose in the body. Exercises like
Niyuddha (Fighting)
Kreeda (Games)
Vyayama (Exercise)
Padacharya (Walking)
Etc. have been mentioned in our Ancient Ayurvedic classics.
Hence, it is sid Diabetes is one among 10 Lifestyle disorders in which proper Ahara Idiet), vihara (lifestyle) is essential in order to prevent diabetes. Hence we can say in Ayurvedic classic food is mentioned as one among the Tree upasthamba (Pillars) which supports the body. So proper consumption of the food by proper pathya and Aapthya is beneficial in preventing the disease like Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus).
Dr.Twinkle Gupta
Deptt.of Kayachikitsa
Jammu Institute of Ayurvedic & Research


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