Sadguru Shri Madhuparamhans Ji: A Mind Polluted by Sin Cannot Perceive God


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, SEPT 08:
Today, Sadguru of Sahib Bandgi Shri Madhuparamhans Ji Maharaj, while delighting the congregation with the nectar of his discourses in Akhnoor, Jammu, said that the person whose mind is polluted with sinful deeds, does not see God even in his dreams. Sahib had already said that in Kalyug, sins will increase a lot. Therefore, the intellect will become very frustrated. Therefore, it will not be able to decide what is right and what is wrong. This is the age, where the one who does good deeds will be ridiculed. You see, the dirty people around you, who are committing sinful deeds, lying, will unite and oppose you. Paltu Sahib has rightly said that there is enmity between the world and the devotee, just like there is between a cat and a mouse. Crows say in their group that no one is better than us. The crow is such that it pecks at the dirt anywhere. It speaks strangely too. But they say that no one has a voice like ours. No one likes the voice of a crow. They say that the cuckoo does not know our voice. It is black.
This way the people around you will make fun of you. The owl has never seen the sun. I asked many people why the owl cannot see the sun. No one gave a precise answer. There is a little infrared system in the eyes of a human being. This system is also present in binoculars. There are two things everywhere in this world. First – light. Second – temperature. In extreme darkness you see darkness in front of you. But some creatures have infrared system in their eyes. Due to which they can see even a little light as very big.
Owls, bats and moles have a very high infrared system. That is why they cannot see the sun. The eyes close. Like if someone shines a high light torch in your eyes, your eyes will close.
In the army also we get such binoculars, so that we can see the enemy from a distance. There is a warning in it that do not look at too much light, you will become blind. Don’t even look at the stars.
There are some rays of light even in the darkness. That system increases those rays of light by millions of times. If you look at the firefly, it will look like a very big bulb is burning. That is why it is instructed that you should not use it in fire, light, stars. For these creatures, night is day and day is night.
There was an owl. The swan came and sat on that branch. The owl asked who are you, why are you flying in the night. The swan said that I am a swan. Surya Narayan has just risen. There is a lot of light. The owl said that it is all darkness, which light are you talking about. Neither our father, grandfather told us about it, nor have we ever seen it. You are lying. Don’t flutter here at night. The swan tried to explain a lot, but the owl was not listening. No one in the owl’s entire family has seen it. The swan decided that I will show it the sun.
He reached it at such a time when the sun was about to rise. There was a little light before rising. He said, friend look, there is some light. The owl said, yes, it is getting dark. He explained to him, don’t close your eyes, there is still light. He gathered courage and looked. At first, he had a lot of difficulty. He came everyday and started making him practice. First, the rays of the sun are not so bright. When there were some rays of the sun, the owl started closing his eyes. The swan said, don’t close your eyes, look, that is the sun. In the morning, the sun is reddish. It is not bright. The owl said, yes, you are right. Slowly, he made him practice. Now the owl’s eyes learned to tolerate that light. That owl started flying during the day. His ancestors started scolding him, what are you doing. He said to the swan, he is not believing it. Sahib is saying that there is no sun in the world for the owl. This is just a mere imagination for him. The bat also came to confirm his words. He said, this swan is talking nonsense, there is no sun. Then the female rat also came and said, “Hey owl, you are speaking the truth, there is no sun. This swan is lying.” In this way, the number of sinners has increased a lot. The devotee is thinking himself helpless. There is no price of a diamond in a vegetable shop. In this way, there are opponents. They say that he is speaking of himself. There is no Satlok (true world). If we talk of all the saints of the Santkaal, then there have been 32 saints. They helped crores of people cross the world. They have also given testimony to this. Sahib has said in many words that the place from where the swan has come is an Amar Desh (immortal land).


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