While she has won hearts as an actress, Sanya Malhotra is now winning applause and admiration as a dancer too. Although the actress has been often showered with love by her social media fam for her impeccable dancing skills, this time around, she showcased the same in a music video titled ‘Aankh’ that has made it to chartbusters list. Marking one of a kind collaboration with renowned singer Sunidhi Chauhan, the song explores their sensuous side in terms of dancing skills and now as a treat to her fans, Sanya has dropped a BTS video of the same. On Monday, Sanya Malhotra took to her Instagram page to share a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the making of her 2024 trending music video ‘Aankh’. In her Instagram post, she shared moments from her rehearsals and the shoot, which showcased the immense energy and excitement as they grooved to the track. The clip also featured the powerful vocals of Sunidhi Chauhan alongside Rusha & Blizza. Looking ahead, Sanya’s critically acclaimed Mrs is all set to release on Zee5. Following this, she will star in Dharma Productions’ Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari which also stars Varun Dhawan, Maniesh Paul, Janhvi Kapoor, and others. Along with that, she will also be collaborating with Anurag Kashyap and Bobby Deol on a project, details of which are currently being kept under wraps.