SCOC reviews functioning of Juvenile Justice system in Reasi


Shadow Correspondent
reasi, Apr, 26
Mr. Rajiv Khajuria Member Selection cum Oversight Committee (SCOC) under Juvenile Justice Act reviewed the functioning of Child welfare committee, Juvenile Justice Board and District Child Protection Unit (DCPU) in a joint meeting held here today. Sh. Gulshan Sharma ,KAS District Child Protection Officer, CWC, JJ Board Members and DCPU staff were attended the meeting. CWC, DCPU and Board members appraised Mr. Khajuria about the functioning of their particular units and achievements made so far. Member SCOC stressed upon the need of more coordination between CWC, DCPU and Board to ensure the best interest of the children in need of care and protection and also in conflict with law. He maintained that Juvenile Justice Act in welfare legislation aims at best interest and ultimate rehabilitation of the children in need.
He advised the units to work in close coordination and make other departments aware about their role in meeting out the objectives of the Juvenile Justice Act. He also made it clear that CWC which is a bench of magistrates under juvenile justice Act having unlimited powers to ensure the best interest of the children, who are in difficult circumstances. It is the responsibility of the CWC to bring those children back to the safety net and DCPU must assist them in a realising the same.


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