Secularism is the strength of nation : Gurmukh Singh


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Oct, 29
Fact finding team of the congress party today met the leaders and block functionaries of the party belonging to district Jammu rural and addressed the party performance and the organizational structure at grass root level. The team members comprising the Chairman Ravinder Sharma,and members Jahangir Mir,Ved Mahajan, Naresh Gupta, Dinanath Bhagat, Adv. Shah Mohd Choudhary interacted with delegations from different constituencies and discussed the overall factors responsible for the set back of the party in the elections .
The committee members had detailed discussion with each delegations members and sought their suggestions about the measures for further strengthening the organization at block levels and grass root levels. The delegations gave valuable inputs to the party. On this occasion Veteran Congress leader Sardar Gurmukh Singh, Former minister and EX Deputy Chairman legislative council while addressing the delegations advised the workers and block functionaries to work immediately to spread the secular and democratic ideology of the party and educate the masses about the historical role played by the Congress to strengthen the party, secularism is the strength of our nation he added. Senior leaders Shashi Sharma INC candidate Suchetgarh Bhushan Dogra , Sahil Sharma & Dr kamal Singh along with workers of their areas interacted with the fact finding team.


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