Secy RDD reviews progress on PPC, other development schemes


Shadow Correspondent
Secretary, Department of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Sheetal Nanda, today convened an officers meeting to review progress on various schemes being implemented by the department.
The Secretary had a detailed review of PMAY (G), SBM (G), RGSA, People’s Plan Campaign (PPC) and Mission Antyodaya Survey for formulation of GPDP of 2020-21.
The meeting was attended by Director RDD, Jammu, Sudharshan Kumar, Director Panchayats, Muhammad Nazir Sheikh, Director Rural Sanitation, Leena Padha while Director RDD, Kashmir, Qazi Sarwar, Joint Director Planning, Subhash Chander Sharma, ACDs and DPOs of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh attended through video conference.
The Secretary, while expressing satisfaction over registration of facilitators and frontline workers of most of the districts, called upon the officers of remaining districts to further expedite the process of registration in their respective jurisdictions for uploading the same on the GPDP portal.
She asked the officers to ensure the presence of frontline workers and facilitators from the line departments in all Gram Sabha meetings besides making sure that every resolution of these meetings is recorded so that there is no discrepancy between online and on-paper resolution.
Regarding conduct of Gram Sabhas under People’s Plan Campaign, the Secretary sought details about the status of the ongoing gram sabha meetings in all the districts. She emphasized upon the concerned to ensure that these Sabhas are convened in a total professional manner with ,maximum participation to yield tangible results.
She said the members of the gram panchayats should be made cognisant of the funds availability, activities of the line departments besides kind and potential of works which could be taken up in the specific areas.
The Secretary asked the officers to install Public Information Board (PIB) on prominent places of the Panchayats. She emphasised on identification of all the eligible pensioners of all groups including Physically Handicapped, Old age and widow pensioners during the Gram Sabhas.
While reviewing the progress under PMAY(G), the Secretary asked the concerned officers to put in their best efforts for achieving cent per cent target of construction of houses within the fixed timelines.
The Secretary also took stock of SBM(G) and directed the officers to submit the updated and audited UCs for SBM (G) and RGSA for 2019-20 and 2018-19 respectively. She stressed on ensuring the construction of remaining toilets under left-out beneficiaries.
Meanwhile, the Secretary inaugurated the conference hall in the Directorate of Rural Development Department , Jammu which would facilitate the Department in organizing various trainings, meetings and similar programs.


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