During the Coronavirus lockdown, it seems like Priyanka Chopra has used her precious time to complete her memoir ‘Unfinished’, which she announced in 2018. On Tuesday, the actress was on cloud nine when she shared her feelings on completing her memoir with fans on social media. Nowadays, it looks like Priyanka is enjoying her time at the cluster lakes of California called Mammoth Lakes.Even, Priyanka Chopra shared a selfie on Instagram from one of her recent outings, wearing top and shorts with trekking boots. She captioned the post, “Mother nature’s medicine.”On the professional front, Priyanka Chopra will be seen as the next star in Netflix’s films which includes an adaptation of Aravind Adiga’s satirical novel ‘The White Tiger’ and Robert Rodriguez’s superhero film ‘We Can Be Heroes’. She will also star alongside Richard Madden in Prime Video’s thriller series ‘Citadel’, and also has been cast for an undisclosed role in ‘The Matrix 4’ opposite Keanu Reeves. She will also star as the spiritual guru and convicted criminal Ma Anand Sheela in Barry Levinson’s ‘Sheela’.