Sameera Reddy has shared yet another post about body positivity and self-love. The actress posted a couple of photos showing off her ‘white hair’. Alongside it, she wrote a long note explaining why she chooses to cover the grey hair only when she feels like it and not due to any social obligation. Stating that her dad, who was worried that people would judge his daughter, recently questioned her on why wasn’t she colouring her hair. Sameera wrote in her caption that although she did understand his concern, she was not concerned about people judging her or not finding her appealing. She wrote, “I used to colour every two weeks so nobody could catch that line of white. Today, I take my own sweet time and choose to colour if and when I feel like…Every day we learn we move forward and we find peace in small shifts. And it’s those small steps that take us to much bigger places #happiness #acceptance #selflove #imperfectlyperfect.”