Seminar on “Rights and Duties of the Consumer” held


Shadow Correspondent
jammu ,Dec 23:
A seminar on “Rights and Duties of the Consumer” was organized by Indian Institute of Public Administration, J&K Regional Branch on the occasion of World Consumer Day. The programme was attended by members from Consumer Organizations and Officers from Legal Metrology Dept, CAPD, Drugs Controller, Food Safety and members of IIPA and civil society.
Mr Amit Sharma, Director Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Jammu, who was the Chief Guest, stated that the department would work towards systematic changes through e-governance platforms so as to make the system more consumer friendly and transparent. He highlighted the success of EPDS and also said that the department would shortly introduce GPS devices on trucks carrying essential commodities which would be monitored by command & control centers to prevent pilferage. He elaborated on a series of steps including introduction of mobile milk testing labs, shifting of oil storage depot at Narwal etc which are under implementation for consumer welfare.
In his presidential remarks Dr. C.M. Seth, IFS (Retd) Vice Chairman IIPA J&K Regional Branch highlighted the role of stakeholders for protection of consumer rights, he welcomed the role of various agencies involved in creating consumer awareness of their rights and responsibilities.
Earlier, Er S.K.Gupta President Consumer Welfare Association Jammu welcomed the participants and introduced the theme. He explained the definition of Consumers, their rights and the mechanism for redressal of their grievances Shri Ram Anand, General Secretary, Consumer Welfare Association, Jammu in his presentation stated that the consumer is more important than the seller, he stressed on the importance of an invoice for all purchases. He drew the attention of the house to the various malpractices prevalent in the state whereby consumers were suffering and also suggested remedies for the same. Shri D.K.Kapoor Member, J&K State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission spoke on Consumer Disputes & Redressal and stated that all taxpayers fall within the definition of a consumer. He suggested for initiation of steps to increase consumer awareness of their rights and also the legal remedies available to the consumers. He clarified about the difference in civil cases and consumer cases. He also elaborated on the differentiation between protection of consumer and enrichment of consumer.
Shri Manoj Parbhakar, Deputy Controller, Deptt. Of Legal Metrology, Jammu spoke on the Role of Legal Metrology & Consumers and cited examples of practical steps initiated by his department for consumer protection. He specifically mentioned about standardization of packaging across various products including breads. He elaborated on actions taken to ensure accuracy levels at fuel pumps, fixation of tamper proof meters on auto rickshaws, charging of correct fees at parking lots etc. He also stated that service charges at restaurants in the state were removed after the active intervention of the department.
Shri Mohammad Qasim Wani, KAS Director, Food Civil Supplies and Consumers who was the special guest, highlighted the necessity of consumer responsibility and stated that all consumers need to think of the society before their personal interests. He also highlighted the practical procedural difficulties faced by consumers in redressal of their grievances.
The participants, particularly the members from Consumers organizations raised a number of issues with the panelists leading to a lively interaction.
Mr. Vikrant Kuthiala presented the formal vote of thanks.
The Seminar was organized under the guidance of Dr Ashok Bhan, IPS (Retd) Patron and Er J.B.S.Johar, Hony Secretary IIPA J&K Regional Branch.


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