Several entrants join Panthers Party


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Nov 11:
Describing Panthers Party as true representative of the people of Jammu region, today 30 joined Young Panthers in presence of Party Supremo Prof. Bhim Singh, Chairman JKNPP Harsh Dev Singh and Gen. Secy. JKNPP Anita Thakur at party Headquarter, Jammu. The contingent of the fresh entrants being introduced by Partap Singh Jamwal, State Vice President YP. Addressing the gathering Prof. Bhim Singh said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had promised two crore jobs per year to the youth of the country and termed 2015-16 as an “year of the youth” on several occasions but regretted that the recent statistics had revealed that the employment rate in the country had dropped to nearly 70 per cent which was all time low. Prof Bhim Singh lambasted BJP-PDP Govt. for adopting Anti-Educated Youth policy and demanded early abrogation of SRO 202 of 2015 in the larger interest of educated youth.
Prof, Bhim Singh said that SRO 202 is absolutely deception with youth of Start and promulgation of said SRO have depressed newly recruited appointees by getting only basic salary without any allowances, which is insufficient in this sky rolling market. He said that at this SRO 202 under which during the five years the appointee shall be entitled to minimum pay scale which is not more than 10, 000.
On occasion Harsh Dev Singh said that since the BJP had miserably failed to live up to the people’s expectations by cowardly surrendering all the Jammu based issues before the Kashmir centric leaders for the lust of power, the people of Jammu region were reposing faith in the Panthers Party.
Harsh, while joining the activists in the party fold, appealed to the people especially the youth to adopt the dogma of the Panthers Party. He asked the new entrants to propagate the agenda of the party at the grass root level and maintained that JKNPP was the only regional party of Jammu region which had experienced, unblemished and competent leaders who could fight for the rights and justice to the people in letter and spirit. He said that Panthers party was the only secular democratic regional party of the State which was fighting for the cause of poor, under-privileged and economically backward. He said that it had assumed the mantle of assuring justice to the hitherto deprived Jammu region which had suffered economically and politically at the hands of Kashmir-centric leadership.
On the occasion Supremo NPP, Prof. Bhim Singh, Chairman JKNPP and former Minister, Harsh Dev Singh on Saturday appointed Tarseem Singh as District President YP, Raghav Talwar as Youth Zonal President Jammu and Bhanu Partap as President Jammu West of Young Panthers.
Anita Thakur State Gen. Secy. JKNPP, P K Ganju State Vice President JKNPP, Bansi Lal Sharma State Advisor JKNPP, Shanker Singh Chib State Secy JKNPP, Neeraj Gupta Zonal President JKNPP also spoke on this occasion.
Other who were present including Aditya Hans, Anil Rakwal, S Pawan Singh, Nikhil Sharma, S Aman Singh, Bachan Dass, Arjun Singh, Arun, Aadesh Rajput, S Raspreet Singh, Sidhnat Dogra, Suresh Kumar, Mohit, Tanver Shah and others


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