Shama Sikander always grabs headlines for her bold avatar. She often shares photos and videos which immediately go viral. Today, also Shama dropped a series of photos wearing a swimsuit. Fans also dropped heart emojis in the comment section. Taking to her Instagram handle, Shama can be seen relaxing on a chair while enjoying beach. She is wearing a neon colour yellow swimsuit and opted for minimalistic makeup. “I wish I could start my Monday like a beach day..”, read the caption. Recently, Shama took to her Instagram handle and shared a glimpse of her recent photoshoot, which is now setting fire to the internet. In this latest video shoot, actress Shama Sikander can be seen posing in a white, deep-neck choli as she looks into the camera. In the caption of her post, Shama wrote, “La vie en rose .” Her latest hot video has left her fans gasping for breath. She looked gorgeous as she posed in a white lehenga with mirror detailing.Shama Sikander is a popular television actress who has worked in several shows including Baal Veer, Ye Meri Life Hai and Maaya: Slave of Her Desires among others. She maintains an active social media presence and often stuns fans with her impeccable fashion sense.