Shehnaaz Gill is undoubtedly an internet sensation. The Bigg Boss 13 contestant’s photos and videos almost always go viral. And the latest addition to the list is a video of Shehnaaz singing Arjun Kanugo’s “Waada Hai”. In the video, the ‘Punjab ki Katrina Kaif’ is seen trying her best to nail “Waada Hai”. Sharing the video on Instagram, Shehnaaz wrote, “Kitna acha gaati hu na main .In October this year, Shehnaaz Gill collaborated with Arjun Kanungo to release a cover version of the song “Dil Diyan Gallan”. This was just before the release of “Waada Hai”.Shehnaaz had earlier crooned a song for Lays’ Heartwork campaign. Sharing the video on Instagram, she had written, “I came across this beautiful tribute ‘Ye Heartwork Kehlata hai’, and couldn’t stop myself from singing along. The beautiful ode appreciates the efforts of unsung heroes like farmers, truck drivers, retailers and many more who are working round the clock in these challenging times to bring joy to millions of people across the country. Congratulations @Lays_India for creating such a heartwarming tribute and partnering with @smilefoundationindia to support these heroes by providing them with hygiene kits. By singing this melody, I have tired thank these heroes. Hope you all enjoy it, as much as I enjoyed putting it together. Check my story for more details and share ode with your friends and family and support the initiative by going to