Despite several other films releases Shraddha Kapoor’s Stree is standing strong at the box office and is now set to cross the lifetime collection of Alia Bhatt’s Raazi. 2018 has witnessed a red of successful underdog films based on strong women character. With Raazi and Stree were both the film emerged successfully at the box office. The lifetime collection of Alia Bhatt’s Raazi is 122.07 Crores at the Indian Box Office and Sharrdah Kapoor’s Stree is all set to break the record as the film has already collected 119.09 crores at the box office and these numbers are expected to grow even more as the film is still doing well at the theaters. While both the film boast of central women characters, Stree and Raazi also showcase yet another similarity with talented male actors. The recently released horror comedy ‘Stree’ starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao will be surpassing the week one collection of Raazi starring Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal in less than a month. Complete with simplicity and mystery underlining the onscreen characters of Shraddha and Alia, their films add to the Bollywood library of memorable roles. Receiving a thumbs up from the audience as well as film critics, both Stree and Raazi are showcasing a similar trend at the box office, once again having fellow fishes Shraddha and Alia in the same tide.