Shri Madhuparamhans Ji Maharaj of Sahib Bandgi, while delighting the Sangat with the nectar of his sermons at Rakhbandu


Shadow Correspondent
Sadhguru Shri Madhuparamhans Ji Maharaj of Sahib Bandgi, while delighting the Sangat with the nectar of his sermons at Rakhbandu today, said why there is joy in that supreme abode. Because there is no mind there. There is no illusion there.
This is a game of time in this world. Kaal Purush is troubling the souls by giving them new problems every day. Even Sahib said that there will be many diseases in Kalyug. So that the living beings remain busy in healing the body and are not able to do devotion.
It is a complicated situation at this time. The soul is entangled in sinful activities. Parents nurture and raise the child. After marriage the child abandons his parents. Children give pain throughout life. Have your problems. This is all a game of time.
When you are chanting the name you are safe. Otherwise you are not safe.
Why is there happiness in that country, because there is no time there. No one is fearless in this world. But the name that Sahib is talking about is not the same name that people are chanting in the world. There are crores of such names in the world, but this is not him. The true name, the name that Sahib is talking about, the name by attaining which the soul can go to its own country, the immortal world, that name is found only with the true Sadguru. This name is a divine power, which Sadguru gives to the disciple at the time of donation. This is a lively name, it is alive.
Time is living with the living being. The attack of the mind is nowhere else. His attack is on your attention. The divine vision is in your meditation only. It is the mind that hinders self-knowledge. When you meditate continuously, you will understand the mind. Just like a child learns to write by writing. His handwriting also keeps improving. By meditating like this, your mind will understand. Some people think that this is the work of devotees. No, it is important for everyone to meditate for self-knowledge. More attention is needed than education. Earlier our people understood.
Man has never been as lost as he is today.
Earlier there were many ascetic people. But now devotion has been made a business. Within no time the sin has become too much.
Sahib ji said that you should sit in meditation daily. It is not that you sit in meditation, switch on the button and go into the inner world. It will happen slowly. This divine vision is in meditation. That’s why Sahib has said only Surti Yoga. Neither did Sahib give importance to Gyan Yoga nor did he give importance to any other yoga. Only Surti Yoga spoke. Whatever is there, is Surti only. When you have the power of name, it will not be difficult for you to control attention.
A gentleman said the same thing to me, saying that you yourself say that even the great sages have been suppressed by time, then how can we do devotion. I said that the power of name is support. After the name the work will become easier.


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