Shri Madhuparamhans Ji Maharaj, while delighting the congregation with the nectar of his discourses in Ranjdi


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Sept, 01
Sadguru of Sahib Bandagi Shri Madhuparamhans Ji Maharaj, while delighting the congregation with the nectar of his discourses in Ranjdi, Jammu, said that India is called the golden bird. It did not go to attack any country. The invaders who attacked India came from countries where there was scarcity. India has been a prosperous country since the beginning. When a thief goes to steal, he goes to the house of a rich man, not to the house of a poor person. In this way, the culture of India is the oldest. The system of livelihood, food habits, code of conduct are the best in the world. India is situated on such a region where the world’s largest plain is. There is no plain like Ganga and Sindhu anywhere in the world. These are fertile and fertile plains. This is one reason. All kinds of fruits and all kinds of grains are found here. This is not the case in any other country.
India was the first to give the message of God. The oldest book in the world is the Vedas. The people here are peace loving, charitable. India also gave the knowledge of astronomy first.
Thousands of years ago, during the rule of Maharaja Vikramaditya, scientists like Aryabhatta were born.
This India is very prosperous from the material, spiritual and economic point of view. There is no comparison to it. India was the first to give the knowledge of God. This knowledge came from the Vedas. Rigveda is the oldest book of the world. All others have imitated it. Rigveda has believed in formless God. The same thing is there in all religions.
This is a copy of Indian belief. India has ruled the whole world. According to the scriptures, there have been 6 Chakravarti kings. A Chakravarti king is the one who rules the whole world. At that time, the world was very limited. No one lived in South Africa due to dense forests.
There were no humans in the Arab countries. There were deserts. This development happened because of oil. India ruled over the entire area of the earth where humans lived. There were 6 such kings.
India ruled over the globe where humans lived, Afghanistan, Indian subcontinent, Burma etc. Non-violence is in our DNA. It is in. There is no such culture anywhere in the world. The people here were not violent earlier. They were peace loving. 6 seasons are found only in India.
Scientists have made laser missiles today, there were already people in India who could shoot fire arrows. Scientists have made big planes, Ravana and others had planes even then. They used to travel in their private planes. There is mention of them in the Ramayana and Mahabharata era.
Kabir Sahib came about 600 years ago. He was not against the Vedas. But he said that we have a difference in the Vedas, but the difference that I live in is not known to the Vedas. He spoke about Amar Desh. The trend of sainthood started. Due to his teachings, many people lost their business. That is why he was strongly opposed.


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