Shri Ram Universal School becomes 5th School in India with Rotakids Club


Sports & Allied News
JAMMU, May 26:
Rotary Club of Jammu City installed a Rotakids Club at Shri Ram Universal School here today, which became only the 5th School in the entire country to have a Rotakids Club. Speaking on the occasion Rtn. Adeep Singh Mehta gave details of the Rotakids Club. He said that “it is a Club for children up to 12 years of age under the auspices of Rotary International and an initiative created out of Rotary principles. The purpose of the Club is to provide opportunities to young children to organize themselves in groups and exercise leadership in order to serve the humanity at large”. Rotary International has been involved for the past one century in humanitarian projects, providing service to the needy in the fields of health, education and other such areas. Besides this, Rotary International has been cultivating leadership qualities in youth and has made Rotract Clubs for young professionals of age from 18 years to 30 years to inculcate in them the need for service to humanity. Young children in the age group of 12 to 18 years are also incorporated in service projects and are called Interact Clubs. A few years ago Rotary International thought of catching the children at their budding stage and mould them as good human brings for the future by involving them in serving the needy people so that they too realise their responsibilities towards fellow human beings. This budding group of children at primary level, up to 12 years of age, are called RotaKids. The management team of Rotary Club of Jammu City, lead by its President Rtn. K.B.Magotra and Secretary Rtn. Sandeep Beri and the School management, led by its Principal Mrs. Ritula Singh installed Akhilesh Singh of Class 5 as President and his team of 15 members from classes 4th, 5th & 6th.
Rtn. K.B.Magotra, President, Rotary Club of Jammu City, revealed that this is only the 5th Club of Rotakids to be installed in the entire country. It will be called Rotakids Club of Shri Ram Universal School, he said.
Shri Ram Universal School management organised an Impressive programme on the occasion in which around 300 students participated. Secretary of Rotary Club of Jammu City Rtn. Sandeep Beri coordinated the entire programme with the School management. The School management thanked Rotary Club of Jammu City for the honour bestowed upon the School for making it only the 5th Rotakids Club in the entire country.


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