Television actress Shweta Tiwari recently addressed the buzz surrounding her photos with actor Vishal Aditya Singh, which sparked rumors about her possibly tying the knot for the third time. The actress took to social media to clarify her stance on the growing speculation.In a series of social media posts, Shweta shared her thoughts on the topic, expressing that she doesn’t give much importance to online discussions or trolling. The rumors surfaced after Shweta posted a series of pictures with Vishal, leading some fans and media outlets to speculate about a possible relationship. However, Shweta quickly shut down the gossip, putting the rumors to rest with her witty and calm response. Fans quickly rallied behind the actress, supporting her decision to not give undue attention to baseless speculations. Shweta’s ability to handle trolling with humor and maturity further endeared her to her followers. Shweta’s response to the third marriage rumors is a reminder of how celebrities navigate personal gossip with grace and confidence, emphasizing the importance of focusing on the truth rather than sensationalized stories.