SMVDU researcher presents paper at Osmania University


Shadow Correspondent
KATRA, May 21:
Aqib Mujtaba, research scholar at the School of Economics at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), presented a research paper, titled “Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in India” in International Conference on Recent Research and Innovations in Social Science & Education, organized by Osmania University, Hyderabad on 19th May 2018.
The conference was a meeting ground of various intellectuals, including Prof. S. Ramachandram (Vice-Chancellor Osmania University), Prof. B.S. Reddy (Principal Scientist), Dr. MohdAbubakar (Nigeria), and Prof. NeerajTayagi (Delhi University). The research student is working under the supervision of Dr. Pabitra K. Jena. The research paper has also been selected for publication in a reputed UGC refereed journal with a good impact factor as reported.


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