Sonam calls man a Harasser after being told she is equally responsible for global warming


Sonam Kapoor is known to be not just a fashion icon but also a strong voice in support of women. Unfortunately, her recent tryst on Twitter with another user may have left Sonam red faced. The altercation started after Sonam Kapoor vented out saying, “It’s taken me 2 hours to reach town. And I’m still not at the destination. The roads are bad and the pollution is ridiculous it’s a nightmare to get out of the house.” Replying to this, a Twitter user named Anant Vasu shared a screenshot of Sonam’s story blaming her for blindly talking about environmental problems, while being equally responsible for it saying, “It’s because of people like you,who don’t use public transport or less fuel consumption vehicles. You Know that your luxury car gives 3 or 4 km per litre mileage and 10 /20 AC’s in your house are equally responsible for global warming. First control your pollution.”However, it was Sonam Kapoor’s response to this allegation by Anant that got the many Twitter users agitated. In her response to Anant, Sonam tweeted back saying, “And it’s because of men like you that women find it difficult to use public transport for fear of being harassed”. This tweet by Sonam irked many, who immediately pointed out her insensitivity in labelling an individual a harasser.


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