Sonam Kapoor’s ode to Karl Lagerfeld


German fashion designer and Chanel creative director Karl Lagerfeld may have passed away this February, but the show is certainly going on. The brand recently had a collection launch in Mumbai, where thrilled Sonam Kapoor Ahuja graced the ramp.“I am very fortunate that whenever a big international fashion brand comes to India, they ask me to associate with them. I am representing an Indian girl’s dream of representing something that is designed by or that has the energy of Karl Lagerfeld,” the actress gushed over the news.Sonam wore a black dress with a white collar detail, which she found very typical of the brand. “It is a cute little black dress, and I really love it. It is a very typical classic dress in black and white, and it has a colourless feel to it,” the actress shares, adding that people should wear what they are comfortable in.“I wear what I feel comfortable in, and I love dressing up for myself. I tell the boys and girls who ask me what they should be wearing that if you are comfortable in a T-shirt and track pants to a party and you are happy about it, so be it,” the fashionista opines.


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