Sophie Turner takes on Evangeline Lilly


Los Angeles: “Game of Thrones” star Sophie Turner has taken a swipe at actor Evangeline Lilly who had said that she won’t be going into self-quarantine amid coronavirus outbreak, as she values freedom over everything else.

The Marvel star’s comments on social distancing didn’t go down well with Turner, who urged her fans to take precautions against the spread of COVID-19, which has claimed the lives of over 14,000 people worldwide.

“Stay inside, don’t be f**ing stupid. Even if you count your ‘freedom over … your health’,” Turner, 24, said during an Instagram live.

“I don’t give a F about your freedom. You could be infecting other people, other vulnerable people around you, by doing this. So stay inside, guys. It’s not cool and it’s not big and it’s not clever. And that’s the tea,” she added.

Last Week, Lilly, 40, shared that she dropped her kids off at a gymnastics camp and that “they all washed their hands before going in”.

She accompanied the post with the hashtag “business as usual”, which did not go down well with many social media users.

The actor later wrote in the comments section, “Some people value their lives over freedom, some people value freedom over their lives. We all make our choices. Where we are right now feels a lot too close to Marshall Law for my comfort already, all in the name of a respiratory flu.”


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