SRS condemns ceasefire violation by Pak during Ramzan


JAMMU, Jun 13:
Strongly condemning unprovoked firing by Pakistan which resulted in the martyrdom of four Border Security Force (BSF) Jawan at Ramgarh sector of Samba District during Ramzan, the State President, Shri Ram Sena, Rajiv Mahajan regretted that the Indian government has so far failed to manage international pressure on Pakistan, who had intensified activities from across the border and LoC in Jammu and Kashmir, which is a matter of great concern.
Expressing condolence to the martyred BSF jawans, Rajiv Mahajan strongly condemned the frequent violations of ceasefire on the international border and the line of control. He came down heavily on Pakistan for again resorting to firing on today morning, on the day of when whole India celebrating holy month of Ramzan and said that this shows the intensions of Pakistan and its army towards the normalization of relations between two countries.
He said that the Central Government must strongly convey to Pakistan that the ceasefire violations, sponsoring terrorism and talks can’t go together.


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