St. Peter Catholic Church Premnagar observes Good Friday


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Apr, 19
Good Friday is observed by Christians worldwide on the Friday before the Easter Sunday. As per the historical dates Jesus Christ was crucified on the day.
Good Friday commemorates the passion, crucifixion and death of Christ on the cross and enjoins the followers to remember his ultimate sacrifice for the redemption of whole humanity. This was to fulfill the divine plan of heavenly Father, ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Observing the day, 19th of April 2019 i.e. on Good Friday, at 1.00 pm the faithful of St. Peter Catholic Church Premnagar under the guidance of Fr. Kuriakose and Fr. Xavier had ‘THE WAY OF THE CROSS’ outside the church on the road as a procession. The fourteen important events that Jesus underwent on the way to Calvary were re-enacted with the characters namely Jesus, Mother Mary, Veronica, Simon Karine and Soldiers. It was a heart touching enactment.
The hundreds of faithful walked in the hot sun with full devotion and faith singing and praying. The procession began from Shahidi Chawk via Residency road and Vivekananda Chowk from there back to Church for the further prayer Service.


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