Stephens International Public School celebrates Dusshera


Sports & Allied News
JAMMU, Oct 17
Dusshera, the festival to celebrate the victory of good over evil, was celebrated on 17 October 2018 in Stephens International Public School with a lot of religious zeal and fervor. Dusshera was celebrated to preach the basic idea to the students that no matter how intelligent a person is, pride always becomes a reason to collapse.
The celebration was commenced with lot of enthusiasm and vigour of the kindergarten. The little buds of UKG enthralled the entire audience with their mesmerizing performance. They depicted ‘MahishasurVadh’ which was really magnificent and wondrous act followed by MahaArti. Another group of toddlers of class IV presented an act of Ramleela which captured the attention of spectators. It was the showstopper of the celebration. In Ramleela act, little kids depicted scenes of Ramayana very enthusias tically. There was a religious aroma everywhere. Everyone was feeling the presence of Lord Rama’s era as little tiny tots presented the act of Ramleela in a glorious way. The two poems related to Dusshera were also recited by the students of 4th class with proper articulation and modulation. Ram-stuti was sung in the form of group song melodiously which was also followed by a heart-touching instrument performance of the Bhajans. The mainstay of the celebration was the Pipping ceremony in which ANO Gautam Sharma was honoured by the school Director MrsSatvinderSaini and MrManojAgnihotri (Principal of the school) as NCC 3rd Officer. The celebration was concluded with religious positive vibes which spellbound the audience.
(Principal) addressed the students and told them about the importance of Dusshera and the purpose to organize this celebration i.e. to make the students aware of the often repeated message that the triumph of the virtue over the vice.
MrAmarjeet Singh (Vice Chairman), MrsSatvinderSaini (Director of the School), Mrs Rama Jamwal (Dean Academics) and MrsInderjeetKour (Head Mistress) graced the occasion.


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