Dabboo Ratnani is unveiling the marvelous shots of his 2021 calendar on social media. Recently, he shared glimpses of Abhishek Bachchan, Vidya Balan and Vicky Kaushal’s calendar shots and now, he dropped one of the most anticipated photoshoots of the year and it is none-other than Sunny Leone’s 2021 look. Once again Sunny has ignited her fans with her latest look and broke the internet. Sunny Leone posted a voluptuous shot clicked by ace photographer Dabboo Ratnani on Instagram. The actress donned perfect stiletto heels while covering her figure with a big hat. She captioned the enticing picture, ”Summer is here”, whereas Dabboo posted a similar snap and wrote, ”Sunshine is great for the soul, but make sure to wear a big hat! Scorching hot and stunning shots of Sunny Leone.”For now, she is busy shooting the TV reality show Splitsvilla along with Rannvijay Singha. She will be seen next in Vikram Bhatt’s ‘Anamika’. Apart from this, she will play a spy in the upcoming historical film, ‘The Battle Of Bhima Koregaon’ alongside Arjun Rampal.