Sunny Leone: Like every other parent, we schedule our lives around our child


The year began on a great note for Sunny Leone. While the world didn’t know, she knew right in 2017 that she’d become the mother of not one, but three children in a span of less than a year. While last year she adopted baby Nisha, she also discovered that she could welcome two more kids into her family. And in March, she made the news of her twin sons official. Sunny and husband Daniel’s life has indeed changed with their children tip-toeing into their lives in quick succession. While Sunny returned to India on March 24 for two days for a professional commitment, Daniel stayed put with the kids at their LA home. Buzz is that while she honoured her professional commitments, she also looked into the arrangements being made for her newborns at their Mumbai home.
When we met Sunny recently, rewinding to the time when Nisha Kaur Webber, her adopted daughter came home, she told BT, “It has been over six months but it feels like forever. It feels like a blessing, something I’m sure every parent feels for their child. We break our day into minutes because we have to decide everything around Nisha’s schedules.” Daniel added, “Sunny drops her to her playschool and I pick her up. It’s a school she will attend for a bit. Our girl is very intelligent and needs to be challenged all the time.”
Daniel and Sunny agree that after adopting Nisha, their personal life and preferences have become secondary. While at one point they travelled as a couple, they now globe-trot like a family. “Over the last eight months, we have taken Nisha everywhere. We took her to our place in America. She’s travelled to Africa, China, Dubai, Nepal, Los Angeles, Arizona. She’s a well-travelled baby,” Sunny said.
When asked about amending their professional lives to suit the needs of their little girl, Sunny said, “I don’t think our profession is any different from other people’s professions where they live in nuclear families and look after babies while working. Like every other parent, we schedule our lives around our child to be able to spend time with her. The good part is that she has also accepted us as Mama and Papa.” Daniel, seconding his wife, added, “The first time she called me Papa and kissed me on my cheeks, moved me to tears and the memory of that moment can make me cry even now. Nisha’s truly special.”
Nisha’s first birthday after moving into her family was celebrated at Sunny and Daniel’s new house in Los Angeles. “I was just a three-month-old mommy. I had never been to a birthday party and never organised one either. Daniel thought I might freak out but I loved it all. I had little chairs and tables. There was a mini-carnival in the house with lot of games, barbeque, cakes and goodies for the kids. It was just an amazing first-time experience,” she said.


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