Swach Bharat Fortnight at Sewa II PS


Shadow Correspondent
NHPC’s Sewa II PS Mashka celebrated 15-days long Swach Bharat Abhiyaan by conducting various public welfare activities like plantation of trees, cleaning activities in nearby schools, offices, colonies, markets, roads, conduct of essay writing camp; debate competitions and weeding out of old office records.
The fortnight long activities saw energetic participation by the employees, family
members and children from neighbouring govt. schools.
Shri Rajan Kumar, General Manager, alongwith his family personally supervised the plantation and cleanliness drives and encouraged each and every member of the Power Station to plant atleast one sapling each and ensure that it grows up into a tree.
While addressing the gathering he said, “Every single citizen has to share its responsibility in the task of nation building.
To begin with, we need to look after the men & women who continuously engage themselves in the routine cleaning works of communities. If we personally contribute towards cleanliness and care of those who do it every day, we will certainly create a beautiful, clean and healthy India.”


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