Tara Sutaria’s long wait for Tadap


Tara Sutaria was ensconced prettily at the end of 2019 in Bollywood with two of her film releases in quick succession, followed by signing for the film Tadap. After Student Of the Year 2 with director Punit Malhotra for producer Karan Johar and Marjaavaan with director Milap Zaveri for producer Bhushan Kumar, Tara was more than happy at the reception she got from Bollywood.“Tara was also signed on for director Mohit Suri’s sequel to his earlier film Ek Villain with John Abraham and Aditya Roy Kapur. It also stars Disha Patani and she is also singing in that film. Not many may be aware that she is a brilliant opera singer. Both her films were supposed to go on the floors in the coming days, but then she has to now stay put and wait for the lockdown to end and the plans to be made before she can face the arclights for either of these films. While she had signed on the film for Sajid first, what remains to be seen as to which film goes on the floors soon because even Ahan Shetty has been waiting eagerly to make his debut in Tadap,” says a source.Tadap has been produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and directed by Milan Luthria. It is the Hindi remake of the Telugu superhit film RX 100. Tara and Ahan already have had several script sessions for the film thus far and she hopes she can pose for the camera again at the earliest.


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