The Play is written by Suraj Narayan and Directed by Naveen Pal.



Shadow, Correspondent

Jammu, Apr, 13

Nukkad Play The Play “Khang Kardi Tang” in dogri language regarding T. B related diseases was performed at Jammu in which a poor man ‘Nattu| who is coughing continuously all the time indoor and outdoor and he is disliked by the mohalla people who always teasing him without suggesting any alternative. Nattu is worried about his diseases and he is not being cured due to his poverty and on the other hand his family member too does not like his coughing habit. Ultimately, one day his old friend who helped him and take Nattu to  doctor in govt. hospital where he is posted and Nattu disease is cured.

 The message on behalf of society was given on spot to the Naukard watchers who in turn applauded and appreciated the act and it was also advised that- such people should he respected who having such type of illness.

The performance was played by Naveen Pal, Gulshan, Anil, Sonil Tanisha and Diya. The Purpose of the play was successfully delivered to their Public.


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