The Play is written by Suraj Narayan and Directed by Naveen Pal.


 One day natu’s and his friend thinking that were are those old well which are very helpful for the village people. Village people those well for drinking water and for various other purpose wells. People’s life is depended on wells.  These wells are 100 to 200 feet long and these wells are efficient for drinking water.

But now a day these are totally damaged and dirty. Now the water of these well and cooking. The cities people don’t know that these types of wells are there in villages.

One of the Natu’s friend living in city ask him these wells in villages. I haven’t seen these types of wells an where in my life. Will you tell me where these wells are. Natu told to him friend that come with me for seeing the old wells they both come there and saw the old wells

 Massage – So, we should have to keep safe and clean the old wells. So. That our future generation can also see these types of wells which are very helpful & useful for drinking water & other purposes

    The performance was played by Naveen Pal, Gulshan, Raju.hemraj and chitrasen. The Purpose of the play was successfully delivered to their Public.


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