Theft case solved; Stolen items recovered


Jammu, April 26:
On 25.4.2019 Police station Mahore received a compliant that parts of JCB Machine worth 18 lacs were stolen by someone during night time from baddar area.On this an FIR no 22/2019 U/S 379/RPC got registered against unknown thief’s and investigation  was taken up. During  investigation the police rounded up a person Namely Javaid Ahmed S/O Mohammad Shafi R/0 Baddar Tehsil Mahore. During sustained interrogation, Javaid Ahmed disclosed that he alongwith another person Namely Nazir Ahmed S/O Mohammad Shafi Kumhar R/O Chechatar Rajghar Distt. Ramban has stolen the parts of JCB during last night. He further told that Nazir Ahmed has gone towards Kashmir to hide and sell  the stolen property and get money and that he  stayed here to keep eyes on the movements of Police.On this disclosure and on the direction of SSP Reasi, a Police party was deputed to Distt Ramban wherefrom Nazir Ahmed was arrested and stolen items were recovered from Partmolla Gool.Investigation of the case is in initial stage some more recoveries can’t be ruled out.Police on job.


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