These easy and affordable weight loss tricks will slim you down in a month!


Weight lose not just a rich man’s luxury. It can be achieved by anyone, anywhere. However, a healthy approach towards weight loss is necessary if you want it to be sustainable. Spending money on expensive gym memberships or protein shakes or workout clothes is not always needed to shed those extra kilos. Sometimes, all you need is smartness and resourcefulness. Here are six ways which can help you lose weight without burning a hole in your pocket:
Eat homemade food: The easiest and most available trick, homemade food is your best bargain for weight loss. Preparing meals on your own or having someone else make them for you ensures the quantity and quality of ingredients that go in your food. Eating home cooked meals alo ensures better immunity and high satiation level. Ditching junk food and cooking whatever you crave at home will also help save a lot of money.
Go for a walk or a jog: Do not have time or money for an expensive yoga class or a gym membership? Your feet are saving grace at a time like this. Walking every day for 30-45 minutes or jogging for 10 minutes every day can make a big difference. It’s all about increasing your cardio activity. If you get bored with this schedule, you can even opt for workout videos available on the internet. However, do not go for an intense workout which requires supervision. You can choose from Zumba, yoga, pilates, strength training, dancing and any exercise that you wish to do!
Drink water: The first basic rule of weight loss: Water is important to hydrate your body and ensure a smooth functioning. A major issue with those struggling with weight is their water consumption. Water will help detoxify your body, ensure that nutrients are circulated through your body and maintain body temperature as well. Since water has no calories, it also serves as the perfect weight loss drink! If you get too bored with water, you can add apple slices or lemon slices or cucumber pieces or mint leaves to break the monotony.


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