This yogic smoothie bowl will keep you full and boost your immunity


Yogic food is basically food and nutrition that incorporates only organic consumables in line with Ayurvedic principles. Have you heard of yogis, who roam in the harsh terrain of Himalayas without basic necessities? Well, a high-nutrient “yogic diet” helps them beat adversities.Yogic meals not only strengthen your muscles but also boost immunity and adopting them can help you big time, especially when you want to be winter-ready.
This yogic bowl is high on nutrients
Coconut milk: Coconut milk contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) which are great for weight loss. Due to the presence of a lipid called lauric acid, coconut milk might also help you keep breast cancer at bay.
Hemp: Just keep them counting! Vitamin E, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron, zinc, omega-3 and 6, hemp has it all. For vegans, hemp is a blessing as it’s a plant protein. It helps in preserving your heart and skin as well.
Apple: This one doesn’t need an introduction, but still let’s put it on the table. High in fibre–it is great for weight loss. It helps in maintaining good heart health and promote good bacteria for your gut.
Banana: Apart from keeping you full, bananas bestow you with vitamin B6 which help in producing red blood cells and maintain a healthy nervous system. With vitamin C, manganese, and potassium–banana helps in relieving stress, gives you good skin, and maintains good heart health and blood pressure.
Almonds: They are rich in protein, omega-3, and dietary fibre which help in containing your cholesterol levels and improve blood pressure.
Walnuts: They help in managing type 2 diabetes and give you a healthy gut. Also, they keep you energize all day long.
Raisins: Maybe a little high on sugar but a rich source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals. They are a must-have if you have an iron deficiency. They also help in bone strengthening and aid digestion as well.
Granola: Granola is a rich source of omega-3 and vitamin E, which makes it a must-have if you want healthy-looking skin and great hair. Also, it gives a little body to the smoothie.
Pumpkin seeds: They are the best natural source of magnesium and help in controlling blood pressure, reduces risk of heart diseases, lead to healthier bones, and regulate blood sugar levels.
Flax seeds: They are rich in protein, omega-3, and dietary fibre which will help in containing your cholesterol levels and improve blood pressure. With lignans, flax seeds might also help in reducing the risk of breast cancer.
Chia seeds: They are absolutely loaded! Chia seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients with fibre, proteins, calcium, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus.
Sunflower seeds: The nutritional value that these seeds have to offer has a lot to do with women as they aid in weight loss and maintain oestrogen imbalance. Roasted sunflower seeds are a great snack for diabetic patients and ease out diarrhea and constipation.


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