Actor Tiger Shroff has thanked paparazzi for clicking his shirtless pictures, and says he was running “out of insta material”.He took to Instagram to share the picture clicked by the paparazzi.Tiger was enjoying the weekend breeze on his terrace when he was clicked. The actor also came forward towards the boundary of his terrace to wave at the paparazzi. He flaunted his chiseled frame as the breeze messed his hair. He is also seen holding a hairband in his other hand. He later wore a T-shirt.Tiger Shroff is going to be making a splendid appearance in his next film Heropanti 2 which is planned to releasing on 16th July 2021 and is a sequel to his debut film. Tiger is also gonna be making a powerful appearance in the remake of the critically acclaimed film Rambo. So make sure to catch Tiger Shroff in his upcoming films.