To follow the truth is a great worship : Madhu Param Hans ji


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Oct 14:
Showering the nectarian pearls of spiritualism over the devotees during the course of a satsang at Satwari Ground, Jammu his holiness, Sh. Madhu Param Hans ji Maharaj, the head of Sahib Bandgi panth, said that Munn is the greatest obstacle in the path of spiritual knowledge. Sahib Kabir has spoken a lot about Munn. Man tries to understand Munn. He makes attempt to sit in meditation but it puts all sorts of obstacles in the path to prevent him from knowing the secret related to Param Purush. Such a thing needs a serious thought.
I had a chance to meet a psychologist. I thought of knowing some secret relating to Munn from him. I asked him where the Munn resided. What sort of a language it spoke? He said that these questions were not a part of his syllabus. I spoke about Munn for 5 minutes. On hearing this he said that I had explained to him in 5 minutes that which he couldn’t understand in 5 years. Nirakar itself is Munn. Our intellect & act of remembrance as well are nothing but Munn. The existence of the world is due to Munn alone.
The pure awakened power has been held in its bondage. There are 3 main obstacles in the path of following the real form of Bhagti. There are universities but some selected ones receive education there. Then only a small number of them do their P.hd. Our teachings are hard to follow. Man wants to commit all sorts of cheatings & frauds even while performing worship. The people believe in all sorts of black magics & worship the evil spirits. Still they call themselves as devotees. The hypocrites & those who pose to be expert in curing the ill-effect of the evil spirits, have entangled the people in such kinds of unscientific worships. Right from Kashmir to Kanya Kumari, all seem to be entangled in the fold of hypocrites. The Munn residing within won’t allow to reach the truth so easily. If all the people turn to the real form of worship, the very existence of Munn will vanish. That is why it creates all sorts of hurdles in the path.
Munn itself comes forward to prevent the devotees from having a knowledge of Param Purush.
To follow the truth is a great worship. The people have adopted cheating as the mode of their life. Today, anyone who follows truth, has to face problems. But you should remain firm in your faith. It is not easy to follow truth without the power of Nam. It has become almost impossible in this Kalyug to do so. Sin gets destroyed from the interior of one who gets blessed with the real Nam.


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