Top 8 Health Benefits of Ayurveda


Ayurveda, one of the world’s oldest forms of medicine, is a 5,000-year-old medicinal system originating from India meaning “life-knowledge”. Nestling herbal healing derived from the Hindu culture, Ayurvedic medicine concentrates on health and wellness by harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit. You can achieve total wellness from a trained Ayurvedic practitioner through methods such as guided meditation, yoga, massage, herbal medicine, and body-specific changes in diet.
This form of medicine categorizes three types of life forces or doshas: Vata dosha, Pitta dosha, and Kapha dosha. Each person has a combination of each life energy, but one is believed to be dominant. Identifying which life force needs to be balanced can alleviate health issues, as each dosha controls a different function in the body.
Here are the Top 10 from Health Fitness Revolution and author of the book ReSYNC Your Life Samir Becic:
Reduces stress:
Meditation, yoga, herbal treatments, and breathing exercises are some of the many techniques that can help reduce stress and anxiety. A medical research review conducted by St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center in Massachusetts found that over the corse of 35 trials, investigating the effects of yoga, 25 trials showed significant reduction in signs of stress and anxiety. Other research says that regular yoga practice can improve autonomic nervous functions by reducing sympathetic activity, which is our fight or flight response.
Weight Loss Or Maintenance:
While weight loss isn’t a main concern, Ayurvedic medicine promotes shedding excess weight by consuming a natural and healthy diet. A study conducted by NutriHealth System in New Delhi found that changing someone’s health diet helped clients lose weight effectively. Find out which dosha type you have to determine the best nutritional alterations for you by taking this quiz!
Hormonal Balance:
Ayurveda can help balance hormones naturally, resulting in a healthy menstrual cycle/pregnancy. In 2010, a study done by Institute of Indigenous Medicine at the University of Colombo in Sri Lanka found that using essential oils can help with balancing hormones. Ayurveda prescribes natural formations and various therapeutic properties to help with all ill effects of hormonal imbalance.
Minimizes Inflammation:
Inflammation can be caused by inadequate sleep, poor diet, and deficient digestion. The Ayurvedic method of healing reduces inflammation to regulate the heart system and digestive tract by eliminating waste. Consuming a combination of herbal treatments, exercise that gently boosts metabolism, and antioxidants can help lower inflammation and increase energy.
Reduce Symptoms of Illness and Disease:
Eating an illness-specific diet, getting sun exposure, and breathing in and out can help the person eat better and treat symptoms of illness. Metals like iron are thought to have healing properties to keep diseases away and reduce the chances of getting sick. Some supplements claiming to be approved by Ayurveda may contain toxic metals, so proceed with caution before purchasing them, especially online!
Cleanses The Body:
Ayurvedic medicine promotes internal cleansing for improved health. “Panchakama” is the process of getting rid of food and toxins that interfere with efficient body function. Enemas, oils, and massage therapy help get the body working properly by moving toxins from the tissues to the intestines to remove them from the body.
Overall Balance:
The benefit of Ayurveda is that it focuses on individualized treatment and improve the entire body, internally and externally. When someone has emotional stress or health issues, physical activity, nutrition, and spiritual connection can recalibrate your body and promote balance.
Help Cure Insomnia
Having a late dinner, drinking caffeine before bedtime, watching tv, staring at the phone, or eating a spicy or heavy meal for dinn


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