Treatment for Fungal infection in Ayurveda


Fungal infections are very common, although not so serious in them but can some time cause lot of discomfort and misery. Fungi are a group of micro-organisms that are separated from plants and animals. It have several or similar characteristics to the plant. It can grow and spread locally and then spread through spores.
Ayurvedic Medicine For Fungal Infection On Skin (Candidiasis-Thrush)
The fungi are found in abundant throughout the world, but are barely noticeable because of its small size and inconspicuous life style. It is noticeable unless it causes undesired effect such as a skin rash.
When the Fungi take the form of mycelium which is a mass of connected hyphae, it then grows with absorption of water and nutrients like roots of a plant.These organisms when grow on the surface of the skin or mucous membrane in humans it cause irritation on the underlying surface and established unpleasant condition such as burning or itching sensations.
The plaques of fungi which are formed on the skin can be difficult to eradicate because they reproduce by spores, like a tiny seeds. They are so minute that they are unable to see with naked eye, they are even resistant to some chemical detergents and heat.They can survive for long periods of time on skin and then become active when conditions are appropriate. Below are some of the common fungal infections and their causes
Common Fungal Infections
Ringworm: It is a type of fungal infection that is highly infectious. This type of infection generally appears to be round ring like shape. It is commonly found on all surfaces of the skin. It can also infect nails as tinea. The Ringworm fungal infection starts slowly but if untreated it can infect the entire body surface and may end with very itchy and uncomfortable.
Athlete’s Foot / Feet: This type of fungal infection mainly gets infects between the toes, it sometime can also be found on the sides of the feet or in and around the toenails.
Jock itch: This type of fungal infection mainly gets under thighs and groin area.
Causes Of Common Fungal Infections
It is also known as tinea, it generally passed from one infected animal or by physical contact to another person. This fungus is highly contagious so good personal hygiene is necessary. One should avoid contact of infected person or certain animals which are infected, is very important.
Beside this common fungal infection there are also fungal infections known as yeast or Candida, it is no fun at all especially for women. An overgrowth of Candida causes a lot of seemingly unrelated ailments.
It sometime can also be confusing to the doctor and the patient. It is because the people who suffer are not aware of that they have overgrowth Candida until they become seriously ill.Candida albicans is a fungal organism which generally develops in the mouth, skin and gastrointestinal tract. We generally have healthy bacteria yeast (a type of fungus) in our body. A yeast infection results in due to overgrowth of type of yeast called Candida or Candida albicans.There are more than 20 species of Candida, Candida albicans is the most common among it. It generally caused or becomes active when our immune system is compromised by stress or use of antibiotics or we are sick.Yeast infections are commonly found among people who tend to be with moist or with wet conditions, such as whose hands are often in water.
people whose clothing retains body moisture or the children who suck their fingers. Diaper rash is also termed as dermatitis is due to Candida yeast growth in the folds of the skin of a baby.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Fungal Infection
Itching,Scaling or flaking of skin,Reddish discolouration in ringworm,ark or light discolouration in tinea versicolor.
Common causes of fungal infection
Ringworm is contagious. It spreads from infected person or animal,ot and humid climate,tress,ow immunity,Hormonal variations.For fungal infections or any kind of skin disease, Ayurveda generally recommends the usage of both internal as well as external medicines and treatment procedures in order to cleanse and detoxify the body and to purify the blood through vamana, virechana and raktamokshana.
Kapha dosha would be the predominant dosha in most of the fungal infections. Hence, medicines and diet to balance the body doshas should be maintained for certain period.
Ayurvedic Medicines for Treating Fungal Infection
Gulgulutiktaka kashayam ,Kaisora Guggulu ,Arogyavardhini ,Khadir capsules,Raz oil for local application.
Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatments
Useful in health conditions involving joints, skin.
It promotes natural wound healing and helps in quick and early wound healing in diabetics,It improves digestion,It is also useful in inflammatory conditions.
Inflammatory Arthritis,Fungal Infections – Ayurvedic Treatment
There are four different types of skin infections bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic. Bacterial infections include cellulitis, folliculitis, boils and carbuncles, staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome and other minor bacterial skin infections. Fungal infections of the skin include candidiasis (yeast infections), ringworm and tinea versicolor.
Fungal Skin Infections
You will find fungi living on your body in moist areas like the toes, breasts and groin. Symptoms of a fungal infection may include itching, swelling, blisters, and scaling.Candidiasis or yeast infection is usually harmless occurring in the digestive system or the vaginal area. Those who have depressed immune systems are susceptible to these infections. If you have the infection in the folds of your skin or in the naval you may experience itching, burning, a rash or patches of rough skin that ooze white fluid.
If you have this infection in your vagina you may have itching, burning or redness in the external area of the vagina. You can also get this infection on the underside of the penis where there may be redness, scaling or a painful rash. In the mouth this infection is call thrush and can be detected by seeing white patches on the tongue or side of the mouth that are painful. perleche are cracks and tiny cuts at the corners of the mouth. You can also get fungal infections in the nail beds that will cause swelling, pus, pain and even separation of the nail from the skin.
Ringworm is a fungal infection that looks like a ring is red and scaly. Persons who are malnourished, have poor hygiene or have had contact with someone with ringworm are at increased risk for ringworm. Athlete’s foot is ringworm, so is jock itch and scalp ringworm.
Tinea versicolor are patches of skin that are lighter or darker than the normal skin tone and occur mostly in adolescence or early adulthood. These patches become worse in the heat and humidity or when the individual are on steroid therapy or in individuals who have weakened immune systems.
Tinea capitis, or ringworm on the scalp, is a common fungal infection in children. The main way it’s transmitted is by coming in contact with an infected person or animal, but there are other ways a child can get it. Find out more about what tinea capitis looks like and how it’s treated.
Most people cringe at the thought of having a fungal infection but in reality, we all have many types of fungi that live on our skin all the time. Most of the time these fungi don’t cause any problems, but sometimes a fungus will change and cause an infection. These are some of the more common fungal infections people experience.
Tinea versicolor is a fungal infection caused by a yeast that normally inhabits the skin. Find out more about why this yeast causes a rash in some people and what this rash looks like.
It is made up of fine scaly white patches on the skin. It may appear on your face, neck, shoulders, arms, trunk or legs. These spots are active fungi infecting your skin. The medical name is Pityriasis versicolor.
White Spot
It is a superficial fungal infection of the skin, which is common in children and adults. It may be itchy. It is also called Pityriasis Alba.
Intertrigo – Yeast Infection in Skin Folds
Intertrigo is a yeast infection that occurs in skin folds. Find out more about what this yeast infection looks like and how it is treated.
Nail Fungal Infection
Also known as Onychomycosis and Tinea unguium, nail fungal infections are the most common diseases of the nails, making up about 50% of nail abnormalities. Both fingernails and toenails are susceptible to the infection, which usually manifests as discoloration and thickening of the nail and crumbling edges. The condition most commonly occurs in toenails.
Nail fungal infections are caused by microscopic organisms called fungi that do not require sunlight to survive. Most commonly, a group of fungi called dermatophytes (such as Candida) is responsible for nail fungal infections. However, some yeasts and molds also cause these infections.
Prevention of superficial fungal infection
1. Fungus grows when the skin is warm and moist. The space between your toes, the skin folds in the groin and the armpits must be kept dry to prevent such fungal infection.2. Do not walk barefoot in areas where the floor is wet – eg. bathroom, lavatory, and swimming pool as the fungus tends to be present. Wear Slippers.
3. Avoid borrowing personal napkins, towels, combs and hair brushes as they may be infected. Make sure you use your own personal items because fungal infections are easily transmissible. Any item that comes into contact with the affected areas must be sterilised before use.
4. Nylon socks and covered shoes make your feet sweat. Wear cotton socks to absorb the sweat, or open-toe sandals if your feet sweat profusely.
Keep a healthy life-style with a balanced diet, exercise and have time for rest, to increase your body’s resistance. You will catch fungal infection easily if you are weak.


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