Uday Chib Becomes Second Elected State President PYC J&K


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu Sept 22:
Uday Chib former National General Secretary NSUI, has won youth congress election J&K,the result of which was declared today and secured 4955 defeated his rival pankaj basotra by huge margin of 1541 votes,Mr basotra got 3414 votes
Total seven candidates filed their nomination for the post of state president pardesh youth congress J&K,in which uday chib got heighest votes and became state President PYC J&K.Uday Chib got 4955 votes,Sahil sharma got 1692,Amir Rasool got 523,Mir Iqbal got 321,Murnaz got 128 In 2008, Sh Rahul Gandhi,President AICCC introduced internal democracy in NSUI and Youth Congress Throughout Country and have opened the closed door of politics for youth and Students from non political background.
Earlier in 2011,First time youth congress Election was held in J&K and Sh. Shahnawaz Choudhray, become first elected state president PYC J&K and after preparation of voterlist, Election was held through out state and today Uday Chib became second state president PYC J&K.
It is pertinent to mention here that earlier chib remained as first elected state President NSUI J&K and after Successfully completed his tenure and become national General Secretary NSUI J&K and remained Incharge of several states and under his inchargeship, NSUI won President and Vice president post of Delhi University student union election in 2017 Uday chib while addressing the gathering thanked sh Rahul Gandhi, President AICC for introducing election System due to which he got opportunity to become state president PYC J&K
He further Thanked senior PCC Leadership for their Guidance and Support.He thanked sh Krishna Alluvera joint Secretary incharge IYC, sh.keshav Yadav National President IYC,sh. Srinival National vice President IYC,sh.Sheeshpal National Secretary IYC Incharge J&K for successfully Conduting election in J&K.
He specialy thanked
Sh. Shahnawaz chowdhary General Secretary PCC J&K,Sh Iftkhar Ahmed Ex Election Commissioner NSUI and IYC, Sh. Fairoz Khan,National President NSUI,Sh Neeraj Kundan National Secretary NSUI J&K Incharge Rajasthan,Sh Nadeem Shrief Niaz Secretary PCC J&K,Sh Jatinder Chib Block President DCC ,Sandeep Sharma Youth Congress Leader and Said That without their Patronage and Support,It is not possible for him to win election of President PYC J&K. He further said that the whole team worked day and night for hus success and always provide him guidance and support. He added and thanked all voters who caste their valuable voters for their success.
Sh Ghulam Ahmed Mir,President PCC J&K along with senior Leadership PCC Congratulate Sh.Uday Chib for their great Victory and win wish him to work with dedication and Chanelize energy of youth in right directions.


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