UK’s May risks ‘total collapse’ of govt in Brexit impasse: Sunday Times


London, March 31

British Prime Minister Theresa May risks the “total collapse” of her government if she fails to get her battered Brexit deal through Parliament, the Sunday Times newspaper said, amid growing speculation that she might call an early election.

Underscoring the tough choices facing May to break the Brexit impasse, the newspaper said at least six pro-European Union senior ministers will resign if she opts for a potentially damaging no-deal departure from the EU.

But at the same time, rival ministers who support Brexit were threatening to quit if May decides to stay close to the EU with a customs union or if she sought a long delay to Brexit, the Sunday Times said.

May’s Brexit strategy is in tatters after the exit deal she hammered out with other EU leaders was rejected for a third time by the House of Commons on Friday, the day that Britain was supposed to leave the bloc.

Nearly three years after Britons voted by 52-48 percent to end the country’s EU membership after 46 years, what Brexit will look like or whether it will even happen remains up in the air.


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