Uttar Pradesh: FIR filed against Om Prakash Rajbhar for abusing, threatening BJP workers


Lucknow: A First Information Report (FIR) was filed against Suheldev Bharatiya Samaj Party (SBSP) chief Om Prakash Rajbhar on Saturday for allegedly abusing and threatening BJP workers at a public meeting on Friday in Ghazipur. The complaint was filed by BJP worker Anoop Singh Chandan earlier today at Hasratganj Kotawali Police Station.”An FIR has been registered against OP Rajbhar for mistreating and abusing BJP workers at a public meeting in Ghazipur. He has even asked his supporters and party cadres to thrash BJP workers if they attempt to spread any misinformation ahead of the last phase of the polling,” Anoop Singh Chandan told ANI.He further claimed that Rabhar, who attended his party`s candidate Arvind`s rally, asked his supporters to hit BJP leaders with “boots at least 10 times” if they are found spreading any rumours about SBSP. Chandan said if police administration will not take any action against the SBSP chief then he will lock Rajbhar`s Lucknow residence on 26 May.”Rajbhar is a person who could not win Gram Panchayat elections on his own. Despite that BJP gave him a place in the party and made him Cabinet Minister. But now he is humiliating BJP workers,” Chandan said. SBSP is an ally of the BJP since 2017 and Rajbhar is a Minister of Backward Welfare in the government led by Yogi Adityanath.Earlier on May 6, Rajbhar said he had resigned as a cabinet minister from Uttar Pradesh government over the seat-sharing agreement with the BJP. “I had resigned on the night of April 13 from the post of state minister when they (BJP) said that you have to contest on our symbol. I told them I will contest from only one seat but from my own party. However, they did not agree to that either. Following which, I immediately resigned but they did not accept my resignation,” he had said.He had also alleged that the BJP wanted to “eliminate” the SBSP as it did not give them a single ticket to contest in the ensuing Lok Sabha elections. Lok Sabha elections in Uttar Pradesh are being held from April 11 and will go on till May 19 in all seven phases. The counting of votes will take place on May 23.


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