VC SKUAST-Jammu inaugurates Protected Structure Facility


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Jan, 28
Prof. J.P. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu (SKUAST-J) today inaugurated Protected Structure Facility developed by School of Biotechnology at Research Farm of the University.
Prof. Sharma visited all the five units of the facility developed for specific needs of scientists and scholars of different Divisions; and handed over keys to the heads of the Divisions of Plant Physiology, Fruit Science, Vegetable Science, Agroforestry and Biotechnology. Prof. Sharma remarked that this would be an effort towards pursuing multi-disciplinary research at one site.
He emphasized that this facility would be very useful for maintaining and multiplication of herbal, fruit, ornamental and vegetable crops particularly during harsh weather conditions in the field. Prof. Sharma desired that concerned scientists must maintain liaison with the line departments for working out requirement of planting material.
Professor Sharma envisioned the need for developing agri-tourism zone in the research farm including Protected Structure Facility, Beekeeping, Mushroom Production, Farming System Research and Organic Farming Center. He applauded the efforts of Coordinator and faculty members of School of Biotechnology and designated committee for making efforts in upgrading the Protected Structure Facility.
Dr. Jag Paul Sharma, Director Research; Dr. Deepak Kher, Director Planning and Monitoring; Dr. S.K. Gupta, Director Education; Dr. D.P. Abrol, Dean Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. S.E.H. Rizvi Dean Faculty of Basic Sciences highlighted the need of such facility for scientists and scholars for hastening their research objectives.
The inaugural ceremony was attended by Statuary Officers of the University, Heads of Departments, faculty members of School of Biotechnology and officials of media cell.
Earlier, Professor R. K. Salgotra, Coordinator, School of Biotechnology welcomed the guests and elaborated the necessity of such facility in the Campus. Dr. Manmohan Sharma, presented vote of thanks.


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