Vinesh Phogat should be sent to Rajya Sabha, says Bhupinder Hooda; wrestler’s uncle Mahavir calls it ‘political stunt’


Gurugram, Aug 08
As Haryana gears up for Rajya Sabha elections on September 3, former chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Thursday said wrestler Vinesh Phogat deserves the seat in the Upper House. The grappler bid adieu to her international wrestling career on Thursday, saying she did not have the strength to continue.She was disqualified on Wednesday for exceeding the weight limit by 100 grams, hours before her scheduled gold medal contest in the 50 kg freestyle category.
Hooda said he would have nominated Vinesh Phogat to the Rajya Sabha if the Congressressressressress had the numbers in the state Assembly.One seat in the Rajya Sabha from Haryana fell vacant after Deepender Hooda was elected to the Lok Sabha.
Vinesh Phogat should be sent to the Upper House, he said. “She has not lost, she has won. She has won the hearts of people and is an inspiration for the youngsters,” said Deepender. “A Rajya Sabha seat from Haryana has fallen vacant as I have come to the Lok Sabha. The election notification has come. What Hooda sahab said today … She should be given a Rajya Sabha seat. I urge all parties of Haryana to consider this,” he added.
Meanwhile, Vinesh’s uncle Mahavir Phogat said despite setting many records, wrestler Geeta Phogat was not sent to the Rajya Sabha when Bhupinder Singh Hooda was chief minister. “Today Bhupinder Hooda said that he would have sent Vinesh to the Rajya Sabha if he could. Why did he not send Geeta Phogat when his government was there?” Mahavir Phogat asked.Geeta Phogat is Mahavir Phogat’s daughter and Vinesh Phogat’s cousin. Calling it a political stunt, Mahavir Phogat added, “Geeta Phogat set many records. When the Bhupinder Singh Hooda government was in power, he did not even make Geeta a deputy superintendent of police. How can Congressressressressress leader Bhupinder Hooda now claim this?”


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