Vishal Khatri Sabha organizes 21st Bhandara at Utterveni to mark Amavasya


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, May, 08
Vishal Khatri Sabha today organized 21st Bhandara at Utterveni on Vaishakha Amavasya by President Devender Seth. Large number of people participated in the religious event.
Amavasya is new moon day in Hindu calendar. It is significant day as many rituals are performed only on Amavasya Tithi. Amavasya falling on weekday Monday is known as Somvati Amavasya and Amavasya falling on weekday Saturday is known as Shani Amavasya.
All Amavasya days are appropriate to perform Shraddha rituals to appease ancestors. Amavasya day is also appropriate day to perform Kalasarpa Dosha puja.After payers and rituals, Seth prayed for peace in J&K and said that such events bring people closer to each other.He said Sabha is committed to strengthen their resolve and continue to serve community regularly. Seth urged people to stay connected to their roots and continue to observe such rituals in a big way that is aimed at strengthening our culture and heritage.
We in Jammu and Kashmir UT are very much connected to roots and such rituals had always been our way of life, he asserted he added. He said historically rich Jammu has many temples, palaces, water bodies and buildings that if developed can become places of attractions for visitors from all over the country. He laid stress upon the people of Jammu and Kashmir to strengthen the bond of unity, harmony and peace for welfare of the Union Territory.Seth said that the society has to grow in unison and spirit of solidarity by isolating all those creating division, either due to ignorance or for vested interest. For this, he highlighted the crucial need of imbibing the spirit of selflessness and righteousness, corner-stone of every religion, saying unity and tranquility alone will help in isolating such forces. “We have to fight collectively to all those who promote hate, which is not in consonance of our pluralistic ethos”, he said and urged the people, especially youth, to come forward and play their useful role in this regard. He said religious polarization is dangerous for the sensitive state like Jammu and Kashmir.


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