Actress Wamiqa Gabbi, who has been making waves with her stellar performances, recently shared a lighthearted moment with the paparazzi at Mumbai airport. In a viral video, Wamiqa is seen interacting with media when one of them referred to her as “Premika.” This left her smiling. She was last seen in Baby John. In the video, shared by Snehzala, we can see Wamiqa wearing a blue colour saree paired with a pink blouse. As she headed towards her car, paps came for photos. One of them called her premika. Hearing this she said, “Aap logon ne diya hai naam.” Coming to Baby John, the film is an official remake of the Tamil movie, Theri. It starred Ilayathalapathy Vijay and Samantha Ruth Prabhu in the lead roles. In the remake, Keerthy stepped in to portray the role played by Samantha. Recently, the actress revealed that Samantha had recommended her to Atlee for Baby John.Directed by Kalees, Baby John was released in theatres on December 25. The film, besides the three leads, also features Jackie Shroff, Sanya Malhotra and Rajpal Yadav in key roles. Wamiqa Gabbi has joined the cast of the upcoming spy thriller “G2,” directed by debutant Vinay Kumar Sirigineedi. “G2″ is a sequel to the 2018 hit spy thriller “Goodachari”, written by and starring Adivi.