Followed by the immense success of Prime Video series Jubilee and the Netflix film Khufiya, Wamiqa Gabbi has definitely made a mark in the Indian film industry. Juggling between multiple projects across languages, the actress has gained immense name and fame in the past couple of years. Recently, an influencer seems to have taken a dig at the actress’ PR team when he shared a spoof video showcasing how the PR team of Wamiqa has been comparing her with other popular names in B-town including the likes of superstars like Deepika Padukone and Aishwarya Rai which did not go down well with Gabbi as the latter chose to hit back. A popular influencer named Nadeesh Bhambi took to his Instagram page to share a spoof video showcasing how ‘Wamiqa Gabbi’s PR Team’ holds a strategy meeting to promote the actress. In the video he made several references to other female stars saying how the team decided to compare her with the current and senior actresses. The actress recently received immense love for her character in Varun Dhawan starrer Baby John. Apart from that, Wamiqa has a series of films in the pipeline which includes Dil Ka Darwaza Khol Na Darling starring Siddhant Chaturvedi and Jaya Bachchan, G2 with Adivi Sesh, and Bhoot Bangla alongside Akshay Kumar and Tabu.