Weight Loss: Healthy Food Alternatives To Satisfy Your Cravings


Not a lot of people understand the concept of dieting. It is a way of eating food where you may include or exclude certain types of dishes in your daily diet, without compromising on the quality of the food and their nutritional aspect. Here we are not talking about crash and fad diets – they may help you achieve your weight loss goals in short time, but could be harmful in longer run – but healthy eating habits that can help you maintain healthy body and mind. And to maintain a healthy mind and body, you don’t need to leave food, rather pick your food and eat/cook it smartly. You need to know what is good for your health and what can cause you harm. Consulting your doctor or nutritionist can help you listing out foods that are good or bad for you. Moreover, from our side, all we can do is keep a few things in mind before putting them on our plate like before you order any dish in a restaurant, check its calorie count. Don’t be shy from asking its ingredients when you order. If you find that the food you have ordered is calories-laden, then don’t be sad, you can always choose a healthier alternative (read: whole wheat pasta, baked veggies and chicken). Healthy eating is one of the best things you can do to prevent and control health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer.Chicken is a part of almost every cuisine and is considered a delicious source to obtain protein. Nutritionists recommend moderate quantity of chicken meat to patients with high cholesterol, and blood pressure levels as the nutrients found in it can alleviate those high levels effectively.So, if you are very particular about your diet and don’t want to miss the chance of eating tasty food too, then here are some healthy alternatives of the calorie-laden food that you can try and satiate your taste buds:
1. Opt For Tandoori Roti Instead Of Rumali Roti
A lot of nutritionists recommend adding baked veggies and chicken in weight loss diets. Why? Because baked foods have less calories and do not require oil for cooking. Tandoori rotis are baked in a clay oven, also known as tandoors, and do not require any ghee or butter for cooking. Moreover, tandoori roti is made of whole wheat flour, which is packed with fibre and take long to digest, keeping you full for a longer time. On the other hand, rumali roti is prepared using all-purpose flour, which is known to raise LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), resulting in various health troubles, including heart-related diseases, type-2 diabetes and obesity. So, without any second thought, pick tandoori roti instead of rumali roti the next time you order/cook food.
2. Choose Natural Fruit Juice Or Lassi Instead Of Aerated Drinks
Aerated drinks are extremely high in sugar content. Regular consumption of fizzy drinks may have adverse effects on your health; from tooth decay and heart ailments to diabetes and even obesity. Instead, choose healthy fruit juices, lassi, and natural drinks like coconut water and milk. Better still, go for the classic coolers like nimbu paani, chaach, aam panna and jaljeera. This may sound a little boring though, but here’s how you can add a little fun to your drink.
3. Eat Fruits: Nature’s Candies
Fruits are loaded with water, fibre, vitamins and minerals and help reduce the risk of many lifestyle diseases, including diabetes and high blood pressure, and also help in weight loss. There is no right or wrong way of eating fruits; some prefer eating them raw or adding them to salad, chaat or in juice form. On the contrary, candies and chocolates, without a doubt, are unhealthy for our body, especially if you are trying to lose weight. Whenever you are hungry in between your meals, before your cravings take over, pick one fruit of your choice and you are one step ahead in your healthy eating plan already.
4. Eat Boiled Rice And Bid Goodbye To Fried Rice
Yes, we know fried rice are a way more delicious than boiled rice, especially when mixed with manchurian or hot and sour sauce. But did you know that your bowl of fried rice is nothing but a bowl full of calories and high cholesterol?! Instead, opt for boiled rice as that has less fat content. Make sure you soak the rice before you cook them and wash it 2 to 3 times to remove starch.


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