When is the best time to take BP medicines?


A recent study published in the European Heart Journal has highlighted that blood pressure patients taking their medicines at a stretch at night have half the chances of suffering from heart attacks, heart failure and stroke among other diseases, in comparison with people taking medicines in the morning.The research was conducted on more than 19,000 patients, and the timing of their medicine intake was monitored for an average of six years. The study was quite extensive and focused on morning and bed-time medication. Experts from the University of Vigo, Spain and others observed that those taking BP medicines just before hitting the bed had 66 per cent lesser chance of dying from heart problems. The risk of heart failure also lowered by 42 per cent, and stroke by almost 50 per cent.Ramon C Hermida, co-author of the study said that taking anti-hypertensive medication just before sleeping is more effective in controlling blood pressure. He also added that currently, the guidelines for treating hypertension don’t specify a preferred time for treatment. Most physicians often advice morning ingestion in order to reduce BP levels in morning.Blood pressure levels of a person when they’re asleep is the most important sign of heart disease risk, irrespective of their BP levels when they’re awake or are monitored by a doctor. There are not many concrete studies that suggest morning treatment for hypertension lowers risk of heart diseases.However, it’s also important to look at other factors, for instance diet and exercise. Lifestyle dynamics are often at play when it comes to determining the effectiveness of medication. And it’s always advisable to consult a doctor before making significant changes in medication patterns.


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