Winter seeing higher eye ailments


The ongoing dip in temperatures is leading to common eye ailments like dry eyes, irritation, infection and conjunctivitis. This is mainly because moisture within the eyes is getting lost due to evaporation. Such dehydration is high in winters but, often, people do not realise it because of the cold season.The city is witnessing considerable cases of conjunctivitis among school-going children. The infection has been spreading from one child to another, as children rub their eyes due to irritation but do not follow any hand hygiene, leading to the spread of conjunctivitis. The affect of cold on the skin can be seen clearly. But dryness within eyes can be realised only when there is irritation.Rubbing of eyes following such irritation leads to burning and even tearing. Among elderly, this can cause blurry vision.Dr. Prardhana Reddy, consultant ophthalmologist at MaxiVision Super Specialty Eye Hospitals, explains, “Due to cold winds in winter, windows are normally closed, resulting in poor ventilation. The air is also dry. People tend to drink less water because of the cold. As a result, there is insufficient water in the body. This leads to people suffering from dry eyes.”Excessive use of mobile phones is also adding to the problem of dry eyes. Dr. Atul Gupta, senior ophthalmologist, explained, “The problem of dry eyes is prevalent among people most of the time during the year, as they keep staring at their phones. In winter, this gets aggravated, as the body gets dehydrated due to dry air. This leads to complaints of redness, itchiness and infections of the eye during winters.”Sale of eye drops is very high during this time of the season as doctors incresingly prescribe them for dry eye issues.


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